How Gain 100% Income From Taxi Driving

Have you ever think what is happening behind the taxi service providers? Even if you ever looked closely, sometimes you haven’t understood the full scenario. First thing is those companies are highly centralized. If you imagine you as a driver in these companies, they have the authority to reduce your income at any time by receiving more percentage from your fare to themselves. Some of … Continue reading How Gain 100% Income From Taxi Driving

Decentralized Transportation Solutions – RedCab

Uber, Easy Taxi, Gett has changed the taxi industry to a better level with the technologies they had in earlier years, such as smartphones, GPS, phone aplications. But the main problem is that those projects are 100% centralized, that means a central authority will do all the decision makings, price increments etc. As drivers, Do you ever think that working with those companies is a … Continue reading Decentralized Transportation Solutions – RedCab

Secrets Behind the Pleasure of Shopping

Nowadays human needs are varied with different expectations of peoples. Everyone wish to full fill their requirements to meet self-actualization. Technological innovation helps peoples to make their life easier, using new technologies in a rapidly changing business environment. Peter is a young, smart boy with capturing new technology. One day he went to the market and surfed around retail shops to buy the things which … Continue reading Secrets Behind the Pleasure of Shopping

An Unique Way to Express Loyalty

Thousands of new crypto projects coming to the market while holding promises to create huge disruptions in various major fields. But the sad truth is more than half of this projects are becoming dead even before the initial funding stages. Another significant amount of the remaining half will become failed in the next stages. report that 59% of crowd sales in the year 2017 … Continue reading An Unique Way to Express Loyalty

Ever Wanted to Insure Your Crypto Wealth?

Total market capitalization of cryptocurrencies has reached over $400 billion. Depending on market conditions crypto traders, investors, and learners have needs to exchange their wealth to other cryptocurrencies as well as to FIAT money. Online Crypto Exchanges is the responsible party, who can initiate this work by creating a market filled with buyers and sellers. Crypto world is not a smooth and comfy place made … Continue reading Ever Wanted to Insure Your Crypto Wealth?