Entry Shakes Up Both Crypto and Real Worlds

  Read on steemit – https://steemit.com/ico/@prasannpr143/entry-shakes-up-both-crypto-and-real-worlds Entry is a next generation bank formulated using the blockchain technology, Entry ready to serve both crypto and real worlds with its powerful elements included in the ecosystem. The blockchain is the finest invention of this century. Blockchain can totally remove the 3rd parties from the middleman work and also can reduce the human intervention to a greater extent. Economical … Continue reading Entry Shakes Up Both Crypto and Real Worlds

Linking Cryptography to Traditional Financial Industry

Traditional Financial Industry Traditional Financial Industry has created a huge downward drag to the acceleration of the global development in many ways. As an example, the most precious thing in the whole universe is the time, Ineffectiveness of traditional financial industry destroying millions of human-hours just for very insignificant things. Higher human intervention is a necessary thing for traditional financial methods. So the industry has … Continue reading Linking Cryptography to Traditional Financial Industry

Distributed Credit Chain (DCC) Disrupting the Traditional Financial Industry

Preface Did you ever experience the monopoly of the current financial system? if not you must be highly accustomed to those traditional and egotistical methodologies. But consciously or not each country, nation and society have been suffered from the monopolistic behaviors from the beginning of the mankind. The problem Traditional financial institutions own a nearly unlimited ability to modify particular original agreements and rates signed … Continue reading Distributed Credit Chain (DCC) Disrupting the Traditional Financial Industry