How Gain 100% Income From Taxi Driving

Have you ever think what is happening behind the taxi service providers? Even if you ever looked closely, sometimes you haven’t understood the full scenario. First thing is those companies are highly centralized. If you imagine you as a driver in these companies, they have the authority to reduce your income at any time by receiving more percentage from your fare to themselves. Some of these companies tend to pay you weekly or monthly, but most of the times payments are not arriving on time. What if there is a method to receive your payments instantly? Will you be interested? In another hand, they take 20%-25% of your income with the total booking fee. 25% is a really big amount, It’s unfair to take this much fees from the hardworking workforce. This is one strong disadvantage coming with the centralization. They say that the fee is reduced because of providing their services including mobile apps, maintenance, their engineering works, to their market name etc. Bt, What if you have a method to get 100% of received income by riding to your hand? Well, there is a new company coming to the reality which provides their services for 0% of service fees. Let me introduce to you the revolutionary “RedCab”. With a great vision and aligned mission, RedCab has designed their business model to prevent community abuse and the market domination. Simply market domination will be achieved by balancing supply and demand.

RedCab is a decentralized network, so not like other transport companies, there is no main central authority in the RedCab. RedCab has included an AI-powered road assistant for a better customer experience. This assistance can build an emotional connection between the buyer and the offered product. Two next-generation models named as Proof of marketing and Proof of driving has been added to the platform. With the use of a GPS chip installed on a smartphone/device the distance traveled will be measured, then based on the modal Proof of driving riders will be paid. Proof of marketing is for the motivation of consumers, It’s a modal for giving rewards for referring the RedCab APP among friends and family embers.


With all the above-mentioned facilities and the inclusion of blockchain technology, the RedCab will pioneer the transportation industry with less effort. Is there any rider who didn’t like to get 100% of what they’ve earned? Are there any customers who’d like to pay for more than the services they received? I hope not. All the transactions will be happening through the utility token of the RedCab named as REDC Token. The initial price of one REDC token is 0.00043 Eth. More than 24,529 ETH has been sold up to now (today one ETH equals to $450). Upcoming heavy activity on the RedCab will hype the price of the REDC token higher and higher, regarding that fact, holding REDC tokens will be a huge investment too. Please use following links for further information.

ICO and Essential Links

RedCab has an ongoing token sale, where anyone can buy REDC tokens at a cheaper price. Doesn’t matter, If you are a traveler, diver or an investor you can contribute this change and earn a treasury in near future.

Token info

Token : REDC
Platform : Ethereum
Type : ERC20
PreICO price : 1 ETH = 2,682 REDC
Price in ICO : 1 ETH = 2,333 REDC
Bonus : 15% in Presale

Investment info

Min. investment : 0.1 ETH
Accepting : ETH
Distributed in ICO : 62%
Hard cap : 24,529 ETH


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