Understanding MEDIA Protocol

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What is Media Protocol

Media Protocol is a blockchained playground created for publishers, brands, social networks, agencies, readers etc. With media protocol, readers/watchers can get benefitted with valuable tokens for the content they use to read, while advertisers and content creators get their publications to spread throughout the world. Liking, sharing and commenting will get extra rewards for the consumers, So consumers will become empowered automatically.

Existing media platforms have many frauds and cheating happening. The content creator always ended up with less promotion of his media while media platforms get rewarded to frauded works. There is no true evidence to consumers to know about the performance of the promotion during the process. There is nothing consumer can do with the large centralization owned by these companies.

But Media protocol has nullified these type of activities with the inclusion of blockchain. Each and every transaction happening will be stored on a public ledger. Therefore anyone can access that ledger and get satisfied with the promoted performance of their content. After the inclusion of the Blockchain, Activities related to reads, likes, comments, shares cannot be altered anymore. This facility included in the protocol can be easily applied to DApps, where consumers can have a friendly interface.

The Ecosystem of Media Protocol

The ecosystem of Media Protocol owns high strategic exposure created to take over the future of media to its own hands. Priority in the ecosystem will gain by the included usage of smart contracts with the blockchain. Rewards gained by the consumers can use smart contracts to exchange their rewarded tokens Ethereum, fiat currency or other third-party tokens. Media Protocol is going to design analytics tools to ease of getting analytics of the contacts to the consumers. Users can convert their URLs to smart URLs through the publisher tools developed by the Media Protocol. Not like other products on the blockchain, Media protocol always certain about a user-friendly environment of products.

The CryptoCatnip is the real-life application of Media Protocol. CryptoCatnip is a prototype DApp invented to aggregate news and media in the crypto world. CryptoCatnip is currently available in the play store and Apple’s app store, anyone can check its uniqueness by installing it on your smart-phone.

Potential of Media Protocol

User data is the most valuable thing in the current digital market. Existing other user-related companies have been misusing these data for a long time. Media protocol has included a facility for users to get benefitted from data collecting surveys, that means the user will be rewarded for providing their data for the platform. On the other hand, Media Protocol ensures about the safety of the personal data of the consumers. Some non-personal data will be added to the public blockchain, so readers can get to know about the quality of content creators and creators can know about the needs of content users.

With the activities of Media Protocol, Brands can create direct relationships with the audience, So they can directly know what type of content they prefer. Following the audience demand is the best way to have successfully promoted contents.

The team

Team and the advisors can create a massive impact on any final product. The Expertized team and advisory board included successful programmers with professional background and experience in the media and advertising have become the main backbone of this company. Here is the team

ICO & Essential Links

ICO will be available for a limited time period. They already have a running website and application. Any investor can invest in the next generation leading Media Protocol, in this limited period. Use the following links to get more information,

Website: http://www.mediaprotocol.org
Whitepaper: https://www.mediaprotocol.org/papers/whitepaper.pdf
Business paper: https://www.mediaprotocol.org/papers/businesspaper.pdf
Medium blog: https://medium.com/@mediaprotocolsm
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/MediaProtocol/
Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3396313.new#new
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MEDIA_Protocol
Facebook: https://fb.me/MEDIAprotocol
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/media-protocol/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMqo01fh4wST0XYck_zPHeA
GitHub: https://github.com/MediaProtocol/MediaProtocol

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